Sunday, September 27, 2009 If I were to describe this day by using just a word, no contest it would be "WET". One month's worth of rainfall poured in in just nine hours. We're lucky the flood water reached only up to our ankles and ruined not a single appliance in our household. I just feel bad seeing all these people lose their investments and worse their own lives. So what am I to do on a wet Sunday morning aside from playing with my willy? I switched on my TV and watched Kerygma. (And I know I don't look like I'm the type of guy who watches these kind of shows on a Sunday morning but believe me, I am.) Nothing special, Bro. Bo, with his usual deep, thunder-like voice in a very persuasive way gave lectures. It was about dealing with problems and why problems exist. According to him, 90% of the time, if we pray to God, God will help us solve our problems. He will protect us and lead us not astray. The remaining 10% we solve by ourselves to teach us how to d...