Sang Ka na Ba?

Bored to death, as I sit there listening to Gorke's pathetic jokes and Rey's forced laugh, obviously trying to be courteous. We will have to fight our way through eight hours of "forced" training, not even understanding a thing.

The door beeped, the handle creaked and turned and a blast of warm air filled the room temporarily. You were wearing this yellow top that looks like a kid's dress matched with a black tight fitting pants and sandals. It was just perfect. It was something beyond me that really, I cannot describe it. It's like seeing a girl from a lucid dream, a girl I used to know, used to talk to, used to kid with and used to care about.

As I sit there waiting for 5AM, as I sit there tapping the keys of my keyboard, as I slowly drift and escape reality thru sleep, I think of your yellow dress, and your black pants, and your sandals. It's like dreaming with my eyes wide open.


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