Season Six

WILSON:"House, will you stop acting like a six year old and start facing your problem like most adults do..."

Honestly, as if I give a damn! My life is my own business, you have your life so mind your own. And here's the thing, the main reason why you keep on dragging your ass over to my house is because of WHO I AM and WHAT I DO so why whould I change it? Not unless I want to lose the only man that I love/d except for my dad. I know I'm an ass with a capital "A" and I also know that you dig it, in fact, you love it. And do you know the reason why? It's because you see me in you, you see me as what's lacking in you, you try to learn the trade, you try to master the craft and yes, you can imitate me, you can learn the accent and the punchlines and everything but you will be nothing but a second-rate me. A junior "ME" so to speak, but that's who you are, as I've said you're like water, you get the shape of your container and I am containing you. Look in the mirror buddy, look straight into it and tell me who you see, listen to yourself, tell me who you hear...Tell me... You can't live without me, you love me too much...

HOUSE:“This isn't just about the sex. You like her personality. You like that she's conniving. You like that she has no regard for consequences. You like that she can humiliate someone if it serves... Oh my God -- you're sleeping with me.”

So you think you're omnipotent? That you're Omniscient? Well think again, you can't always be right, you're not perfect, no one is. And if you're thinking that I'm digging you're sarcasm, think again! I guess you failed to notice that I am actually being sarcastic when I'm around you. That's the problem with you, you are so self-centered, so arrogant yet in reality you have nothing but me. I laugh at your jokes not because you're funny but because I want to save your face and ego. I dont want you to look silly laughing at your own miserable joke, that's not funny ain't it? Lastly, the only reason why I am trying to imitate you is so that you won't look stupid on your own. Don't flatter yourself too much, you ain't Brad Pitt nor Tom Cruise, Hell, you're not even close to that pathetic Dennis Trillo so face the reality and grow up. You're no God not even a demi-god for crying out loud so shut the fuck up and grow up...Oh did I also mention grow up?
Pre-season is every Saturday night. Regular season will start on September 11, 2009 (hopefully..)


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