
"Fairytales were written not to prove that dragons exist, but to show that they can be beaten"... It's a line from a Neil Gaiman book that I've read in the past, the title of the book I can no longer recall (I'm betting on The Sandman though). You see, stories are forever, they get passed on from one generation to the next, probably as a bedtime story, a story to scare kids to eat their greens or probably a story you tell your friends while having dinner or lunch or something. The possibilities are endless! The point being is that stories never die. They may change a bit, or get altered or details may be added or omitted but in the end, the essence remain the same.

Stories, like humans however leave only a mark once read. A story not read is like an entity who died without even seeing the light of dawn. Stories are meant to be read. It's a passport or an aeroplane, a bus or a cab, but unlike these things, stories will take you to worlds unknown, unexplored, untapped. Stories die if not read and passed on and it's just sad.

For your birthday, I wrote a bunch of short stories and stuff. Let it take you to a place only your imagination can reach. Don't let these stories die...Read it.


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